SA Gybe Turkeys (SA, Australia) - 2008-10-19
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Bubs (476km):
5843 days ago
6 categories

Well another good day out sailing with Dad. Conditions wern't excellent, all over the shot really with chop goin everywhere. 5 to 10 knots maybe gusting 15ish at times. 

First went out with the 6.6 KA Kontrol and now my Starboard S-type 93L. Found i couldn't get going at all on that as it was only around 5 knots at the time. So i went in a traded for the Naish Supercross 114L. Got goin on that but still floundering around at times and what not. Anyway traded up to the 7.8 KA Kontrol (swapped with Dad) for a few runs which was better but then it blew up so i traded back to the 6.6. Dad and i probably should have rigged another sail but were too lazy and couldn't be bothered once we were out lol.

One thing is when i tried building up a bit of speed and was getting faster and faster the board slid out from anderneath me a lot.... any help on how to fix this would be good lol? I asume its just a to smaller fin or just a bad fin because it's only the stock one, thats the only thing i can think of so any ideas would be excellent???

So anyway, sailed mostly on the 6.6 Kontol and 114L Supercross. At the end of the sessions i was well and truely buggered, would have rested and gone back out but Mum at home wouldn't have been to pleased lol. But when i pulled up Dad said if i wanted to buy the S-type 93 he wanted me to take it for a quick run first. So did that and it was awesome. Even though it was at the end and i was routed, improved top speed and didn't slide out or anything. Just felt much more comfortable, so naturally i bought it. Can't wait to get some awesome conditions to take it out. Still waiting for that perfect day at the Goolwa Alpha Channel to get a good 2 second peak lol.

Below is my GPS track for the day:



5843 days ago

Hey Bubs congrats on the PB's mate Cool

You did well in poop wind Wink

Enjoy the new board Tongue out


Pat O'Connell

5843 days ago

Well done on the PBs Bubs


5843 days ago

Well done Bubsy!!!!


5843 days ago

Bubs, spin out is due to a few things, but mostly it can be sorted by moving your rear harness line back in say 20mm increments. Set the rear with the standard 1/3 from front 2/3 from rear along boom point when sail is set, and start from that point. You will be surprised how quick you can fix the problem using this method.



5843 days ago

Mey Mineral. What are the measurements you refer to? I had not heard of this before. I always set them roughly on the beach and move as needed after a run or two on the water. Once I have then right I use an indellible pen and mark up an anchient flat batten I still have from a Pryde 5.5m 4x4 I had from new....... the sail is probaby a museum piece now but the batten is handy!


5843 days ago

I have a seperate boom for every sail which is handy so i don't ever have to change them. I was moving them around a bit last January when we took a two week holiday at Goolwa and sailed every day. Now i'm pretty happy with them on every sail. I can let go with both hands and the sail stays where it is virtually when im on a reach. I have to say i didn't think of moving my harness lines as they feel pretty ballanced to me. However one guy i was sailing with said it could be because the lines were to long and to compensate i was then setting my boom to high??? Could this be on the mark maybe???




5843 days ago

Use the guy cribb meathod to setting your harness lines. It on his website.

It works!!!


5843 days ago

Steve and Hamish, just sent you both emails on site.

For those who haven't seen the web sites for Guy Cribb and the rest, check this site out from over here in WA



5842 days ago

Hey Bubs,
Fantastic to see you having a blast again, and taking home a swag of PB's!

Regarding harness line position, I don't really go with the cribb method, if you can take both hands off your boom then your harness lines are set correctly. The cribb method is good for beginners with no idea, but what Evets is doing (go out and see how they feel) is the way I do things, it works well.

Bubs if you're spinning out then maybe try pulling in the back foot (not pushing as hard) just as you go over the crest of the chop, I find that once my harness lines are sorted then this method will help prevent another 50% of spinout. Also check to make sure your fin doesn't have any big fat dings or scratches.


5842 days ago

yeah i reckon fin could be the issue. Thats the first thing i thought of. The one i'm using was the stock fin and has done quite a few miles, running into a lot of sand banks and rocks. I've sanded it back every time but you can only do that so much. Only issue is that good power box fins seem to be hard to find, they all mainly tuttle these days. Anyone got one suitable for a Naish Supercross 114L which i mainly use 6.6 to 7.8m sails on give me a yell. Not looking to spend heaps though as the board isn't worth that much and i'm probably going to be using more power box fins with boards i buy from now on (like my new s-type).


I don't really know about harness lines because i am reluctant to move them when they feel perfectly ballanced already. Might be an idea to get new shorter ones so i can have my boom lower as well as the ones i have on this particular boom are pretty old and poor.


Nebbs, i do push pretty hard on the back foot. This is how i find it easiest to point really high up wind. twist body to where i wan't to go and push on the fin a lot. However this session when i felt like i probably could go bit faster on a run, it felt like the spinning out was holding me back and this is really the first time i noticed it like this. Didnt happen on the s-type when i took that for a run however that did have a select fin on it, not the stock one.




5842 days ago

hey Bubs a lower boom will only take weight off your harness line/mast foot. As a result their will be more weight on you feet.Sounds like a dud fin to me

keep your boom high. just my 2cents


5842 days ago

Hi Hamish,

I'll have a look at your setup next time we are both out and get you sorted.

