Mike Sinclair (11744km):
5427 days ago Clearwater NW 15-30 kts, perfect angles, switched to northerly, looked promising ,got the best runs then the wind died off.
Mykz SP7 46cm, C3 Venom 26, Gaastra Nitro4 5.1
Underpowered most of the time, new (flat rocker) board nice, holds the speed through the lulls better than previous models.
Fred de Haas (206km):
5427 days ago 2 categories Mike posting for Fred.
Clearwater NW 15-30kts. Fred riding on another of my speed boards, not smoking today as his arms were shot after yesterday.
Mykz Sp4 45cm, Mykz 223@28 fin, Pryde Mk4 5.1