Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
dr cam | | | | | | |
Lyn | | | | | | |
Herby | | | | | | |
Kel | | | | | | |
Ed | | | | | | |
Freddy Burke | | | | | | |
Hans Bekkers | | | | | | |
Firiebob |
Troppo |
Rowdy |
Sailpilot |
Rossco |
Sausage |
Hoppybob |
Regs |
Locky |
Gaz |
Peter Clifford |
Al |
Luca Sansalone |
Pacman |
Squid Lips |
Toody |
Sharyn |
James |
Rico |
Billy |
Jason |
Billy GI |
Trojan |
Dave |
Average | 29.06 | 27.38 | 17.73 | 18.43 | 24.12 | 74.69 |
dr cam (16004km):
5419 days ago Great sail off the beach at Clifton(home).15-20 knots ,rolling swell,metre high waves on the beach & shallow reef out near the Island.
Naish 110SP-I love this board !! Venom 44 now 42 RSR Evo 2 8.6
Really sweet combo for these conditions.
Best fun I've had on the water in ages.
Lyn (9418km):
5419 days ago 5.9m 02 and 105l Screamer...Good fun with Herby, Fred and Hans who all used bigger gear.
Herby (12064km):
5419 days ago Went down to dam a bit late today....Fast Freddy had already done 50 km and Hans had 2 PBs under his belt.
just rigged 6.6m and used the 120l Fatboy for 85 minutes. Couldn,t catch up to Fred's figures
Kel (13168km):
5419 days ago Yorkeys Knob, QLD, AU
Late sail at yorkeys, very gusty and from the south, still good fun.
Iso 96 VMG 6.0 drake34
Ed (4724km):
5418 days ago Had a good session up here in port today, had a couple of other people to sail with, more windsurfers than kites for a change Wind was much the same as yesterday so had the same combo as yesterday. Spent a bit of time tuning and retuning rig, had it honking all arvo, sea was rough so no flat water to play in. I clocked up a few km so that might help the team. Cheers Ed
Freddy Burke (4387km):
5418 days ago Lake Tinaroo, QLD, AU ....Went up to dam early to get an early start and beat Herby who is always trying to steal my thunder.
6.6m 02 and 126l JP Supersport.
Hans Bekkers (1521km):
5418 days ago Lake Tinaroo, QLD, AU My Nano 125l and 6.4 Aerotech sale in gutsy wind