Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Normski | | | | | | |
Swagger | | | | | | |
Woody | | | | | | |
Camel | | | | | | |
The Matrix | | | | | | |
Ian Richards | | | | | | |
Jim Crossley | | | | | | |
El Reg |
Jesus |
Duncan |
Chandler |
RedSurfBus |
Griff |
Woodbutcher |
Goostaff |
Tris |
Jim |
The Kid |
Scotty Stallman |
Cheese |
Average | 42.35 | 39.94 | 14.55 | 22.28 | 24.89 | 49.57 |
Normski (5158km):
5293 days ago 2 categories   Pleased with the results...wind more or less offshore and very gusty.
Tabou 49 & 5.4m North Warp
Swagger (4565km):
5292 days ago 1 categories  Hmmm very square death runs both ways and in the middle very choppy when trying to get the hammer down, had a strange wipeout on a reach my ear really hurts now can't hear much either hoping its not a bust drum.... But happy with max and average for the angle.
Warp 5.8 and Falcon 80.
Woody (1378km):
5292 days ago Bit disappointing but had got a bit choppy as the tide went down and the Falcon 90 was a bit big! Perhaps should have left work even earlier.
Camel (2357km):
5292 days ago 1 categories  at last a good bit of wind starting to like my simmer 6.3 now its rotating first time going for alpha's
The Matrix (10979km):
5292 days ago 2 categories  
Ian Richards (11408km):
5292 days ago 2 categories  
Jim Crossley (3088km):
5288 days ago My first time over 40kn. The sun was shinning and all was good. Totaly stoked!