James Farley (5299km):
5256 days ago Speers Point, NSW, AU
Hifly 275 FX, Gaastra Pulse 5.7, 36cm and 31cm fins - Wind W 15-30 kts
Big westerly that blew all day! It had plenty of drama - people on sails from 4.7 to 6.5, catapults (Ian and Byron), bent booms (Ian), broken universal (Me), visits from the Ambulance, Police (Ian) and Maritime Rescue boat (Big Tom).
I got out on the water about 10:30am, launching from next to Speers Pt Sailing Club. Out of control on 6.5 (managed a 29 knot peak while unhooked and hanging on for grim death), so switched down to 5.7. Sweet sail for an hour or so with John and Byron. Congratulations to John for breaking 30 knots! I found some smooth water and went for a big bear off - my GPS showed a max of 31.12 so was hopeful about the PB - KA72 came up with 31.00 which is great.
packed up, did a few jobs around town, then came back about 2:30pm as the club guys were racing slalom.
While I was rigging the 5.7 again, Ian took one for the team, catching his fin on a rope from the slalom buoy and doing a mega catapult which bent his boom. Unfortunately he also dislocated his shoulder, so some quick work from the guys on the boat got him back to shore and off to hospital after the Ambos came along and gave him some pain killers. So it might be a few days until he posts up his speeds - hopefully he scores a few PBS to ease the pain a bit!
After that, we ran maybe 10 rounds of figure 8 slalom - Byron was smoking as usual on his 5.4.
Anyway, a great day sailing on the lake with the guys. Congratulations to all for the PBs. Looking forward to getting down to Huskisson next weekend.
