Marco B (4760km):
5094 days ago Today used the Gaastra 2011 6.4 for the first time. Also the first serious speedsession with the JP Speed49 and with a new fin.
First took the JP49. Wind was square and I almost lost my hands, during the gusts that hit the sail. Max speed was 69, run was 65 km/hr.
Than took the Tabou Manta54 with 25cm SS. Speeds went up to 74 max and 70 run! The wind turned a bit, and increased even more and I took the JP49 again.
I like overpowered speedsurfing, and overpowered it was. But still the 6.4 was good, with 40 knots gusts.
Nice to have the best speed of the day. I improved my PB 2 times within the last 4 months.
PB Best run 72.09 --> 73.35 km/hr PB AVG 71.18 --> 71.36 km/hr PB 250 mtr 70.99 --> 72.67 km/hr PB 500 mtr 67.51 --> 68.44 km/hr  500 mtr is a big surprise, I was totally focused on the 10 seconds runs.