Luca Sansalone (3094km):
4825 days ago 1 categories Sandy Point, Vic, AU
early start john from the pit crew got every one up a 530 ,after some quick breaky was on the water by 630 was cold the chill had set in all the bones were sore had 5 3 wet suit 3mm booties woolen beenie on under the helmet ,started of great repeat of sunday 5.7 ,missle and 36 on dial after first run but wind just didnt pick up no big swalls , was nt doing any jybes didnt want to risk getting the beenie wet it was the only warm thing left ,i also had a rain jacket on over the wetty was a big help with the wind chil had a two way zip so the bottom could come up over the harness hook i also discoverd it had a built in hoody so i put it o over the beeny to keep it dry ,i was set jybes were go once again, wind settled to a constant 20 so spent the day on 5.7 90ltr boost chasing larko sickemrex and the vics around top green bouy and a a litle sand castle kato had made half way down the pit
Bloody hell mate, sounds too cold, us troppos arn't spos to go so far south
Well done mate, living the dream, congrats with the distance
I bet Packa's kicking himself