Team East (Engl-E, Great Britain) - 2011-10-11
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Stephen Squirrell
Peter Cutts
Mike G
Lance Newbery
Ben Tilston
Jamie Bore
Tris Haskins
Rik Jones
Will Trossell
Steve Carter
Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
4717 days ago
1 categories

Our 4th night in Peyriac, a record!!! and a good one too :) Woke up to the sun rising over the Etang which was like a mill pool as the wind had gone light. We both exercise and Mag has a shower under a tree :) Breakfast in the sun then I pack all my windsurfing gear away as there is supposed to be no more wind for a week, say our goodbyes to Peter and Gill then head towards Narbonne to look at an Aqueduc and some canals, but as we head toward Peyriac village, where we stop for bread, the wind seems to have picked up and I start to get a bit jittery!!! So we have a detour to Gruissan to check out the conditions. We park at the end of the canal road by the camper aire and the wind looks light, and several are packing up and swimming their gear across the canal!!! So we head to the lock on the Canal de la Robine at Mandric where we set off on our marathon bike ride the other day. We walked a 100m to a shady spot along the canal for a lovely bread and cheese lunch watching the storks, egrets and herons. It was getting very breezy now and I didn’t know what to do!!! Back to Narbonne looking for diesel, I decided to have a look at La Franqui and after 30 mins was on the beach where the Dutch sailors were the other day. I had 25 mph on the gauge gusting a little more so rigged 6.4 and went out on the Falcon 80, I got 31 kts on my first run toward La Franqui and then on the beat back my boom just fell apart :(  Lucky for me I was close to the shore and after a bit of a walk to the van to try my spare boom – my wave boom and I was lucky that extended to the 6.4. I spoke to a Dutch sailor visiting for the first time and he said that the shallow sand bars all the way down the beach had gone!!!!!!! :) it didn’t seem possible as it was next to impossible to sail a couple of days ago!!!  I had a great couple of hours sailing from the wooden jetty the mile + back to our van and I didn’t hit bottom anywhere :) This is my first proper go with the 80 and it goes well.  I had a 36 max and was pleased as I didn’t think I was going to sail anymore this holiday. Mag enjoyed her time on the beach, reading, dozing, listening to our favourite RFM radio station (plays a great mix of music – English/French, old and new) collecting shells, paddling and taking some pics of me:) I packed up as the sun was setting over the hills and we drove all the way to Port-la Nouville along the beach (must be 5 miles!) with the most amazing full moon giving the sky a purple tint :) We headed back to Peyriac for our 5th night and with the moon lighting up the Etang I had a shower under a tree while Mag made a delicious pork curry in about 10 minutes flat!!!  - A top day :)


Check out photos on Facebook :)



4717 days ago

Sounds great StephenCool

Peter Cutts

Great Britain
4716 days ago

wish i was there ?? 

Stephen Squirrell

Great Britain
4716 days ago

So do I Pete :)