Russell Dowd (3632km):
4783 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
Gusty sail still fun, wind one moment thinking it will fill in and then no wind at all!!
Love my new KA Race 6.3 it keeps getting faster, Naish SP LTD 95 and Vector Rocket 32 (very nice fin) thanks Jasper
Dave turned up when i got out of the water I think I will call him the Red Barron, I just know he will dive bomb my 2 sec peak
Hope the new sails are red so I can keep calling you the Red Barron Dave. Stay Happy Cheers Russ
Houston hope my fin reshaping efforts bring you a fast run
Dave Morehead (9367km):
4783 days ago 2 categories Dorans, TAS, AU
Got there just as Russ had come in and the wind had dropped. Hoped it would come in again so rigged iSonic 86Slim, Reflex 6.2 and Venom 34cm. Grovelled for ages before the wind did come in a bit and ended up having some good runs back an forth. Then Kaleb turned up, rigged up and as he hit the water it howled through!! Got some quite hair-raising runs in during this squall, bearing off in 30+ knots over the back of chop. After about my 5th run, the boom gave way at the boom head ending my session, but thankfully no other damage.
Well done on your 36+ knot 2 sec Russ, that's awesome. Was hard work out there today. Good to see a few others out and quite a few rigging up as I was leaving. Looked like the wind had filled in nicely and the sun had come out.
Yes Russ, the new sails will be RED!!
Anthony Houston (1997km):
4783 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
Didn't really get a good run, underpowered then over powered on the Falcon 95 but when the wind cranked in got out the Isonic 76 felt fantastic but didn't get quite enoungh wind.....still a great afternoon
Russ I don't think Kaleb could beat your 2 sec.....I did as you said "let's tell Buzzy you only got 34k"
But Dave went and spoiled our fun and told him
Kazza (3846km):
4782 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
6.0 Overdrive 86slim Isonic 32 Venom
Wind was all over the place when first went out, shiftig west, NW then it cranked in strong SW...excellent