Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Lyn | | | | | | |
Herby | | | | | | |
Kel | | | | | | |
Billy | | | | | | |
Ed | | | | | | |
Rowdy | | | | | | |
Sausage | | | | | | |
Firiebob |
Troppo |
Sailpilot |
dr cam |
Rossco |
Hoppybob |
Regs |
Freddy Burke |
Locky |
Gaz |
Peter Clifford |
Al |
Hans Bekkers |
Luca Sansalone |
Pacman |
Squid Lips |
Toody |
Sharyn |
James |
Rico |
Jason |
Billy GI |
Trojan |
Dave |
Average | 28.47 | 26.32 | 17.33 | 18.59 | 23.14 | 73.72 |
Lyn (9418km):
4818 days ago Lake Tinaroo, QLD, AU.....Didn't look too good when we arrived at dam, but eventually Herby went out and then came back in and rigged up for me. The gusts didn't last for long, but better than what we have been getting lately. 6.6m KA Koyote and 105l Screamer.
Herby (12064km):
4818 days ago Lake Tinaroo, QLD, AU......Bit of rain about when we first got there and was nearly going to give it away, when I changed my mind and rigged the old NP Package Tape and decided to give it a go.....Got a few runs and went back in and rigged up for Lyn and then we both went out for a while. ...Looked like more rain coming so came in and derigged......LG.....Lifes Good
Kel (13168km):
4818 days ago Holloways Beach, QLD, AU
Nice sail with Billy, always good to get on the water in December.
Used Isonic 96,Venom 34 and Switchblade 7.3.
Billy (406km):
4818 days ago Hollaways with The Captn
What a cracking session - if I had a GPS, it would've rained coloured ping pong balls. Never mind, youll just have to take my word for it. Thanks to freddy b for your constuctive critisism and helpful tips. Looking forward to heading upto the dam tomorrow for another session. Some really solid wind during the afternoon today with the forcast for tomorrow looking even better. 
104 Screamer with 6.2 Sailworks Revo.
Ed (4724km):
4818 days ago  Port Douglas, QLD, AU Another story from port.Went for a quick afternoon sail hit the water about 4oclock,rigged 7.3m sail on trusty old 125 lt AHD,had no one to play with so i stayed out wide all arvo.Was having good session 15 to18kts steady wind .nice choppy sea just how i like it..Fun factor was good and i was happy with how i was sailing even did some ok jumps.ok for me that is..Sun was going down and was getting a bit shagged,decided to do one more long run just to get a few more km,then head home. a good plan.. Was about 3km of shore honking hard ready for a gybe and a blast home..Felt a bad shudder go through my rig and something was not right my eyes went strait to boom could not see a problem was not smart enough to get of the gas and slow down, then it all turned to ugly..Rig got ripped out of my hands and cart wheeled across the ocean, board shot out from under me and i face planted the water..' uni joint' flew to bits..I could not believe how far away the rig ended up from the board..It was at this point in time the fun factor quickly vanished from my day,trashed gear sun going down stuck way the f..k out to sea..Had to think quick swam to board which was about 15m away started paddling to rig which i coild only just see thought it would sink before i got there but i was floating quiet happy,managed to tie rig to what was left of uni joint.had no up haul rope after several failed attemps managed to water start ,then drove mast base through deck of board to stop it sliding around and started the long and slow trip back to shore one pannel is also smashed out of sail i think it happened when it hit the water. got back to beach tired and pissed of..Damaged report, smashed uni joint 1pannel 2battens gone in sail deck on board totaly trashed will take it to work tomorrow and see if it can be rebuilt..So once again all my toys are broken ...Cheers Ed..
Rowdy (271km):
4816 days ago NP RS Slalom 8.4, Isonic 131, Select 47. @ Lake Tinaroo. Got to ride my Xmas present for the first time today. 20 knots on an aircraft carrier is a bit frighting when you don't know the board or what its going to do. I didnt think i could make it spin out either but i did. Good fun just the same. Didn't sail as much as i would like as my condition is still the same - FAT.
Sausage (12509km):
4815 days ago 2 categories   iS101, 7.0 Blade, 37 KA Sl - Agnes Water, QLD, AU Wind SE 14-17knots
Very choppy and very marginal - not the nicest spot to do some speed work and I even wished I was sailing off Yeppoon. Ended up tracking down wind to Surf Club just to keep it on the plane. Got caught windless in the shore break and ended up snapping a batten on the Blade. Fixed it by sleeving a 9.5mm tassie oak dowel full length inside carbon batten and added some contact cement and tape around break. Worked so well I don't even think I'll replace.
