Toody (3523km):
4686 days ago 1 categories  Green Island, QLD, AU
Wind from the east today making it really chopy on the water played with slalon gear for a little while but fin kept letting go.
Jumped on the 94 kode and 6 Gator went to the south eastern edge of the reef and had a play on a few of the waves coming through.
The beach's seem to do alright in an Easterly, graph looked good in town !?
Ed (4724km):
4686 days ago 1 categories  Port Douglas, QLD, AU Hit the beach a bit after three o'clock.Agood breeze was blowiing rigged 6.6m sail and jumped on trusty 101 Futura,had a small fin in did a couple of runs and it was not quiet what i wanted, so put 42cm fin back in and all was good..had a exciting but fun blast in 20kts and a choppy sea..wind stayed solid till dark so i kept blasting till the sun went down.A good session didn't crash didn't miss a gybe..Cheers Ed...