Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hans Bekkers | | | | | | |
Lyn | | | | | | |
Herby | | | | | | |
Freddy Burke | | | | | | |
Firiebob |
Troppo |
Rowdy |
Sailpilot |
dr cam |
Rossco |
Sausage |
Hoppybob |
Kel |
Regs |
Locky |
Gaz |
Peter Clifford |
Al |
Ed |
Luca Sansalone |
Pacman |
Squid Lips |
Toody |
Sharyn |
James |
Rico |
Billy |
Jason |
Billy GI |
Trojan |
Dave |
Average | 23.77 | 21.14 | 7.93 | 13.27 | 14.20 | 21.16 |
Hans Bekkers (1521km):
4684 days ago hay went sailling with Fred and Bob Dave Herby Lyn sailling was good in de morning not so goed
in the afther noon but injoyt de day ovver all sailt with my 125 L board and with my 150 L part of
the time just my 6.6 loft sail felt n lot fitter after n goed work out "Hans"
Lyn (9418km):
4684 days ago Lake Tinaroo, QLD, AU.....Got to dam a bit late for the wind that was there this morning. Good just to get on water . KA 6.6m and 116l Screamer
Navi decided to freeze up so posted off Garmin.
Herby (12064km):
4684 days ago Lake Tinaroo, QLD, AU.....Went to dam after lunch to find Hoppy, Freddy and Hans had been sailing and reported reasonable wind. Rigged up and was able to step on in a good gust, which was my best run for the day. Just a couple more times on plane and then the wind dropped. I stayed out and dogged around for another hour but only got on plane once in that time......6.6m Loft 02 and 120 L S/cross. TL...Thats Life!!!
Freddy Burke (4387km):
4683 days ago Lake Tinaroo, QLD, AU
set up in misty rain ,wind was up and down but managed to get a few runs in with THE FLYING DUTCHMAN ...'Hans'.
Hoppy Bob managed to get a sail in ...was good to see. Herb and Lyn turned up after lunch and had "limited"
wind as it appeared to drop off in the afternoon.
126jp 6.6 o2 loft