Pat@g (3193km):
4493 days ago The numbers these fast guys sail make it look so easy, but it isn't! For an averiged skilled one like me, these conditions are at the most dificult to sail. It was a bit less hardcore than yesterday, when it was impossible for me to even try.
The wind was ok for my 5.6, no problem, although sometimes I was pretty good powered up. The incoming waves, even not that big, but powerfull en hard to avoid/take at speed, made it heavy. When avoiding a wave by timing to get behind it, sometimes you're in the spray of it that is reinforced by the wind (up to 40 knt) and it's like going trough a carwash. That' ok, but getting on top of one is shitty! I've been wiped out 2 or 3 times, one made me turn over the neck and now 24h ours later I feel the pain even more. It's all about timing, and therefore one needs a lot of training.
At La Franqui it's about having luck with the conditions, there must be enough wind, but to have the water as flat as it can be is not predictable.
Great respect to the dutchies who fly in these conditions, also some french guys, and last but not least, David, my tripmate, who sailed \"de pannen van het dak\". Well done Dave in these conditions.
After 3 days in LF I'm glad we took the opportunity and left all over sudden.