Ed (4724km):
4560 days ago  Port Douglas, QLD, AU Another story from Port, My Good friend Ricco sent me a text yesterday saying he wanted to come sail in Port Douglas and give me a drag race with the intensions of kicking my ass,This was a offer i did not refuse.even though i was feeling a bit shagged from sailing 2arvo's in a row.Rigged 6.6m sail to put on Falcon with big fin,as it was not that windy.Richard's boom was not in good shape from going over the handle bars on his last sail so it was out with some tools and after a dodgy repair we hit the water. had a fun easy blast for half hour than the wind got fresh and started to get up to 20kts out the back .So back to the beach for a quick fin change and off for a great session in very choppy conditions and an over cast sky ,was getting a bit over powered out in the big pool but was to lazy to go and crank more down haul on sail,I managed to stay a board length in front most of the time but on the last run out for the day i could not catch him no matter how hard i tried,was not happy about that, but made some good ground on him on the way back..Over all a great session .Richard sailed well and we both went home shagged but happy..Another day in Paradise...Cheers Ed.