Rossco (912km):
4470 days ago Kurrimine Beach.
Wind was a bit flukey but tides were good and just had to have a sail, been a while. Great to start with but dropped of 1/2 hr into it. Though of Lyn and Herb quite a lot out there.
NAish 120FW, 7.0 Infinity. 36MFC
Sausage (12509km):
4470 days ago S-type93, 6.3 RBlade, 35 S07 Lammermoor Beach, QLD, AU SE 25 - 30kn
Great opportunity to try the new footstrap positions on the S-type although the water state was just completely blown out. No where to go broad today and hit some pretty large swells that have been pushing through. Too much sail at times and punched my way down the southern end of beach but it is just too south and gusty down there to get any decent runs. got the board dialed in after a few adjustments and was quite surprised just how good it felt although gybing the narrow tail came with difficulties - all in all it performed admirably.

Ed (4724km):
4470 days ago  Port Douglas, QLD, AU Hit the beach rigged on big gear and big board about 4 oclock.Had an incoming tide and 13 to 14kt trade wind.Had a nice blast in cruise mode for the first half ,then breeze stiffened up so back to the beach for a bit more down haul, down haul rope snapped so a quick 'bodge job 'was done then back in to it..would of liked 101Falcon for the second half, would of been faster and better in the choppy conditions ,but it was at home asleep in its cage..Had a powered session till the sun went down then harness line snapped and put me on my ass about 2km of shore so it was home time for this little black duck...over all a good session for this time of year..125 lt AHD 7.3m S type north sail 51cm select fin..Todays session was for 'Lyn' Who was one of the great icons of windsurfing and a true legend, she will be sadly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her..Spent a lot of time thinking of her while sailing this afternoon..'So sail as hard as you can,for as long as you can and as often as you can'..The only thing we take with us is our memories...Ed....