George (2388km):
4396 days ago Bonbeach, VIC, AU Got to bonno hard north,after an hour started to change all directions and eased off so pulled the pin.started on quad 81 thenchanged to flare 98 26cm mfc and 5.0m ice
Jman (10935km):
4396 days ago Bonbeach, VIC, AU
Nice sail at Bonno with the crew, pretty chopped out but good fun. Had an hour on the wave board before the wind backed off a bit then sailed out the session on the fsw.
I had a nice catapult out the back when I hit a deflated beach ball straight over the handle bars hooked in yipee!
JP Single Thruster 83, Tabou 3s 96, NP 5.0 Combat.
JAK (6497km):
4395 days ago Inverloch, VIC, AU, Not sure how to post this, I have two SBN files because I switched off the GPS between sessions.
Session one on the Futura starting lunchtime in outgoing tide. Quite gusty, had a reasonable run before becoming very short runs at low tide, had a look at the middle channel, absolutely madness, completely out of control with the 6.2, but t hat was the smallest sail I had.
Futura 93, 31cm Caspar Speed Fin, NP Hellcat 6.2
Corrected data combined from the two sessions
Well done Urs!! I told you that you were sailing well. You showed us how its done at Bonno today.