Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
RedSurfBus | | | | | | |
The Matrix | | | | | | |
Scotty Stallman | | | | | | |
Swagger | | | | | | |
Griff | | | | | | |
Woodbutcher | | | | | | |
Tris | | | | | | |
Jim Crossley |
Normski |
Camel |
El Reg |
Jesus |
Ian Richards |
Duncan |
Chandler |
Woody |
Goostaff |
Jim |
The Kid |
Cheese |
Average | 36.37 | 34.18 | 11.58 | 21.04 | 24.22 | 43.44 |
RedSurfBus (7705km):
4375 days ago 2 categories What a great Christmas holiday!Â
The Matrix (10979km):
4375 days ago Could only manage 15 minutes myself but well worth it just to see scotty get lit up, well done my man!
Scotty Stallman (807km):
4375 days ago Thanks very much Pete for being there today, I could certainly feel the difference with the rig, can't wait for tommorow.
Swagger (4565km):
4375 days ago Very low tide as Rob found out so knocked it on the head to much chop and with the tide between nothing and 500mm in close i am not that stupid? One big un and no water = A&E.
Looks like the early bird gets the worm? So on that note maybe up early tomorrow.........
Scotty Stallman you have achieved at such a young age a speed that most will never capture on a windsurfboard, you will hear of people saying they have gone really fast but they have no idea they think they are going quick.......... Hats off sunshine your a star.......
Griff (1642km):
4375 days ago First time on the slalom kit in over a month. Well chuffed with the first run on starboard showing 34.03 kts and an average over 33 kts, after which it all went down hill as the wind gradually died.
Max display 34.03 knots.
Woodbutcher (1676km):
4375 days ago New boom please! hit the sandbar on the other side of the channel going for a nm,bloody idiot how many years have I sailed Portland.
nice to get my new 5.8 x-15 wet, lucky not to wreck it when smashing my boom.
Tris (17km):
4370 days ago