Milsy (17908km):
4422 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU ,,, 50l isonic, 5.5evo11, patchy,, after about ten mins, i just thought...... stuff it, i also had to do the walk of shame,, pfffff, whatever,, Johnny Miller dont do no walk of shame,,, ill be trying again tomorrow,, good to c ya jamie, yeah, your going to enjoy the gps side of sailing, its good fun, good vibe.........dont ever beat me but man............dont ever do it!!!!!!!!
Jamie (172km):
4422 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU.
Interesting day - fun, but a bit weird. Have two files - started with the 5.4m, but the wind faded. Talked to Milsy for ages (thanks for the advice). Changed up to the 6.6m. Was nicely powered for a little while, before the wind swung really E and then got really gusty. Frustrated with the times - should have done better. GPS read 28.17 - why does it change when its posted? Only posted the second file.
Tomorrow looks the goods, shame I'm out for the day...