Ragnar (5444km):
4391 days ago 2 categories   Lake Clearwater, Ashburton, NZ
First day sailing the Falcon 89. Really like it. It's easy to sail, has a reasonably soft ride, the straps are easy to get into, and the deck feels good underfoot. Stoked to get a tiny improvement in apha PB with it on the first day. None of my gybes were great, but the acceleration coming out was. It holds its speed through the turn much better than my FSW boards. As soon as I get a better technique with it I hope that I can start getting some higher alphas. Used a Select S1 29cm. It felt small but boy you can feel the power start to come through it when you build speed.
Falcon 89 (2008), Ezzy Cheetah 6.5, Select s1 29cm