Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hardie | | | | | | |
Binny | | | | | | |
Elmo | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
man of |
Pepe47 |
evets |
Webby |
salty |
col |
Maverick |
Jason WASURF |
Slugger |
Big Dave |
Basil |
Lawrie Hendickson |
Wipeout |
Fudge |
Hammer |
Jessica |
Average | 37.01 | 35.70 | 14.42 | 22.48 | 30.10 | 53.50 |
Hardie (20239km):
6306 days ago 1 categories  I am totally ecstatic NM PB, the Gaastra Vapour 6.0 m is the best sail I have ever sailed, it was a great session, T1 RS 59, great board, Lessacher weed 24, and well done Binny showing her last session was no fluke. Binny says: Managed to sail in challehging conditions I could not have sailed a month ago, really stoked!!!!!!
Binny (2866km):
6306 days ago
Elmo (15665km):
6306 days ago F2 Ride 277, NP RS4 6.2m, Elmo Weed G10JP32 45º 23cm.
News of my retirement had been greatly exaggerated.
Played around with a different board for the first time, trying to figure out how to set it up, got it reasonably balanced.
Had quite a few problems today, My fin was throwing out epoxy from the box, looked like I damaged it in an earlier session. Was having issues with confidence with pushing it to hard.
Also had my down haul line break the jacket on the line resulting in the down haul being 2 inches out unbeknown to me whilst I was sailing , just though it was a bit windier.
Took a couple more hits again today as well.
Huge congrats to Hardie!! I bow to the Master today, well done mate!
Well done to Robin for once again pushing her PB's out further.
Decrepit (22059km):
6306 days ago happy with board mods, bouncing around all over the place but no loss of control, apart from one instance of loss of fin traction, but I was able to pull it back in.
Bit overpowered in the gusts with the ASC 5.5 rehack, but it behaved itself nicely.