Moi (1122km):
5845 days ago Thirsty Point Cervantes - after a couple of light days the seabreeze returned. Rigged too small to start with and ended up on JP RWW69 and 5.4m Alpha. Came in for a break with 59km on the odometer and decided to go for distance PB after recharging myself with Mickeys mums christmas cake. Simon (Sinker) and I did a run out to cervantes island and back so came in for a break with 78km.........well the 100km was in sight then. Got to 96km and the wind started to drop. Grovelled back in with 98km on the dial and Simon gave me his bigger board to grovel out again and push it to get the 3 figures. Thanks to Divas Nat and Mickey, Will, Dave and Simon for their various supporting roles.