Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Mineral | | | | | | |
Chris Porter | | | | | | |
nebbian | | | | | | |
Hardpole | | | | | | |
Pugsie | | | | | | |
Snake | | | | | | |
Macka Packa | | | | | | |
Chad Silver | | | | | | |
Pointman |
lao shi |
Marcel |
Lezzz |
Windxtasy |
Jemma |
Birdman |
Obelix |
Grumpy |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
JJ |
Ricey |
Bunyip |
bono |
alistair |
Average | 34.78 | 32.06 | 20.86 | 21.21 | 27.68 | 287.31 |
Mineral (3706km):
5853 days ago Hardies, was great for distance, until the midday change, then it got hard going. Kissed the sail first run on Super Sport, too choppy so gave it away for the day
Chris Porter (8173km):
5853 days ago 2 categories   Fun cruise at Hardies. Plenty of Pinnas, MMob and SRM out having fun.
Naish SP91; Naish Stealth 6.4; FO Weed 26cm
(setup felt sweeeet today!)
nebbian (8209km):
5853 days ago 1 categories  Rocked up at Hardies at 7am to find Crasher and Claude already there. I had my sights set on distance today, so happy with the PB. I would have been even happier with 300 but in the end my body decided that enough was enough. This is the first time that the wind has been so consistent all through the day, every other time I've wanted more wind or sunlight.
Having my mechanical bits give up after less than 300 k's just reinforces how much of a machine Claude is, he was out there pounding out the k's relentlessly. I have no idea how he or snides can sail that far. It's superhuman!
Big congrats to Snake, I won't steal his thunder but well done mate 
Also huge congrats to Elmo and Evets for their PB's, well done to both of you!

Hardpole (5685km):
5853 days ago Couldnt decide where to go, so ended up rigging at Lucky Bay, sailed to Point Walter and spent most of the 3 hours there. Then sailed back to LB. By the time I got back I could barely lift the sail to waterstart ! At least I got wet.
Pugsie (1703km):
5853 days ago Pt Wally... Wind bailed as I tried to sail... Came back later on though, which was kinda good sometimes, but mostly gusts, lonnng holes
Not one NM - he he...
Snake (13281km):
5852 days ago Huge day at Hardies! Greeted by Mineral about quarter past 7 to see Nebs and Crasher already out and Claude just getting in the water, Rigged the 6.7 and got out there to catch up . Big respect to Snides (and I suspect Claude after today) for the 400+ effort the other day, my body was telling me enough after 100!! Plenty of guys sailing today, Special mention to Elmo for the 40+ display, Nice work!! and to Claude for being the usual machine! Great day all up, and was great to finally meet Nebs and Minners after 3 months . Won't be doing that again in a hurry!!
Sonic 85, CR 6.7, North Ram F8 5.4, FO 28 Weedy

Macka Packa (8161km):
5852 days ago Bit of fun at Peli on freeride gear. Hit the strong stuff around 2pm and buggered off home thinking I got to get something under 5.3m. Came back later and was super comfy when the brand new boom decided it wasn't up to gybing and gave way at the head. Whacked on the other boom and 5.5 Overdrive just in time for the wind to come back in. It was very controllable in the gusts and felt much more comfy with the inboard straps. Good fun.
Congrats on the awesome PBs guys! Can't believe those distances that got cranked out. Makes 100kms seem like a doddle now 
Futura 93, Overdrive 5.5, MFC SL32
Chad Silver (970km):
5846 days ago 1 categories  Old session from 2nd march