Hooray (7862km):
5737 days ago 15kts when I got up this morning,so rigged 5.4 with 120L warp S so I could sail up river to get the daily paper. Fell in on way up but managed to keep paper dry comming home.
Geoff had afternoon off so we ventured out to speed run. Wind 15-20 SSE so was good direction.
Geoff had Falcon 79, 5.8 ram, latest speed fin ?
Ray Naish SP 95,5.4 daytona, 32 naish fin.
If I had known it was this easy to reach 30kts I would have done it years ago. Must admit I picked up a tip from photos of Vando at the Burrum Heads speed event and what made me go fast today was my smile was bigger than Vandos.
WANTED TO BUY - SPEED GEAR TO TAKE ME TO 40 KTS. (Willing to pay up to $150.00 )
Need to rest now as the wind chimes are noisy.