Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
lao shi | | | | | | |
Hardpole | | | | | | |
Pointman | | | | | | |
Macka Packa | | | | | | |
Mineral | | | | | | |
James Dinsmore | | | | | | |
Marcel | | | | | | |
Chris Porter | | | | | | |
nebbian |
Pugsie |
Snake |
Lezzz |
Windxtasy |
Jemma |
Birdman |
Obelix |
Grumpy |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
JJ |
Ricey |
Bunyip |
bono |
alistair |
Average | 32.82 | 30.49 | 15.99 | 20.02 | 30.13 | 41.19 |
lao shi (27489km):
5680 days ago Short morning session at Peli.
Wind was more WSW so a big hole on the inside where the flat water was.
Mission was Nmile and a cloud band brought some good wind for a brief period. Got two miles at high 28's so very happy.
Koncept 7.5, *brd W58, 29cm elmo weedy.
Fastest display speed of 32 a PB on this board which is not bad as it was out in the middle with good sized breaking chop all around. Yeehargh!
Good to see Dan of SRM out on the water. James was getting some good runs in.
Some pixie dust was sprinkled and the wind died.
Image shows I eased off too early. Boy a mile feels a long way in those conditions.

Hardpole (5685km):
5680 days ago Selfishly ignored the DTSP (Director of Tactics and Strategical Planning) request and went to Wallyworld, had it all to myself for 2 hours (not counting the Pelicans), some gusts and some lulls. Difficult to waterstart at times. Had to try out my new (2nd hand) KA Koncept 5.8 and JP 30cm fin. Much more stable in the gusts, and could feel the power building. In contrast the SE Wave I have been using would just shake me of when the gusts hit. Just need some more wind now ;-)
Pointman (8480km):
5680 days ago Morning sesh at Melville in an extremely variable Sou'Wester. Overcooked one minute, doing the walk of shame the next! Gusts in the middle of the river were approaching 25K.
Started out on 7.5 Koncept + 93 S-Type + 36 Goldwing. Too up and down for this combo so changed boards to the Centurion K70 120L + 40 Choco weedie. Got a few nice powered up runs. A couple of NM attempts, but nothing special. Looking at my track I was hitting 30K toward the end of my runs, but didn't have the speed on for long enough.
Well done Mark on cracking 28's in those conditions. The chop in the middle of the river was horrendous!
Good to get wet.
Macka Packa (8161km):
5680 days ago Quick session at Peli Point. Chose the "unfit bastard" rig - big board, small sail. Worked out surprisingly well and I had a great time. Good to see plenty of people getting out. It feels like a seabreeze on a warm, sunny afternoon is just around the corner.
Futura 122, Manic 5.3, MFCSL36
Mineral (3706km):
5680 days ago Went to Melville to try the new 6.2 Hellcat, pleasantly surprised on its get up and go, and smooth speed through the gusts. At times it was well below what was needed, but main aim was to get its tuning done. 
Hope the new 6.7 is just as good
James Dinsmore (2794km):
5680 days ago Followed Mark to Pelican Point which was an inspired choice of venue for a few nautical miles. JP Slalom V 68 NP RSS III 7.8 SL2 40. Happy to come away with two 31kt NMs on that combo! Second one I had to veer upwind around a ferry which was a bit of a shame. I was pretty impressed to see Mark holding down his 7.5 Koncept in some pretty big gusts early on when I was clinging on to my 7.8 and thinking I might change down. Good to see Pat again and a good team turnout!
Marcel (1692km):
5680 days ago Went to Woodies with Porka... some good strong gusts and some nice flat water on the inside. Had to put my temper on ice when a kiter persisted on showing me how good his aerial bum grabs were...
Good fun session... wind died in the end but had an opportunity to get the Queen Mary moving a bit.
Goya fxr 125, ezzy 6.5, MFC Weedburner 34

Chris Porter (8173km):
5680 days ago Fun session at Woodies with Marcel! That place has so much potential for speed, I'll be there next good SW blow. I got one little puff in the right direction and sqeezed a 30 kt display speed out of my shitty B+J board.
Good day all up. PB on the F2, Pinna's in 3rd, and found a sweet set of Marantz speakers in the verge collection.
F2 Ride 277; Naish Session 5.8; MFC Liquid 32cm.