SpeedEnz (Nth Is, New Zealand) - 2010-01-22
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
41.45 [PB](D)
Michael (icesurf)
Bruce Nicholson
Chris Parkinson
Michael Harris
John Hodgson
John Kemsley
Loomo (122km):
5352 days ago
2 categories

A very nice way to start a Friday.  The breeze was up and down but there was one good squall that came through.

MartinJE (4408km):
5351 days ago
3 categories

Craig - GREAT numbers!!!  

Almost too embarrassed to post these ... 

Island Bay W<->SW 0-30-0 - hung around to LW at 7pm & the chop did flatten - so did the wind ... CA SL58, Venom 340, mb 1360 (-2); Naish Stealth 5m8 

Michael (icesurf) (267km):
5351 days ago
2 categories

Location ~ Lynfield Speed Run

500m ~ 35.72 knots

Sail ~ 5.7 KA

Board ~ 43cm Custom Pin Tail speed board

Fin ~ KA 20cm assy

Wind ~ 15-24knots

Wind Direction ~  Broad WSW


Only had few minutes sailing before the wind died & the tide came in,

Board & KA sail felt perfect in the fierce chop.

KA 20cm let go on me as entering the speed run in mega chop & 30 knots squall

~ Have to wait for next time to see if we can close the gap with Craigs Speeds, think we will be switching to the Loomo

Assy Fins very soon.

Bruce Nicholson (43km):
5349 days ago
2 categories

just new to site

not sure of the ropes yet

took a few goes to get here

did 3 runs 38.71;36.23;35.16

100 m 38.82

250m 38.32

500m 35.68

best run was last when west squall hit and I spun out at top of course and couldnt get back in harness for whole run down the back of 50cm running chop mmmMUMMY!

Craigs new board seems to be giving him quite a good edge the last few sessions...

Chris Adamson

5352 days ago

Congrats on the excellent PBs Loomo!


5352 days ago

WOW Loomo, awesome speed mate, no wonder you gave it away after 17 K's, beer time Tongue outCool


Sth Is
New Zealand
5352 days ago

Superb pb's,well done Loomo, where was it? Lynfield? Always interesting to see what gear you were using also. Hope fully there's a back up session.


5352 days ago

WOW, that is a massive PB from your previous best. Congrats!!

Michael (icesurf)

Nth Is
New Zealand
5351 days ago

Great speed Craig.

Was at Lynfield in the morning, tide was racing in & very choppy.

Craig only had 5 runs.



Nth Is
New Zealand
5351 days ago

Hi Guys, Thanks for your kind words. The breeze was pretty patchy and the track bumpy, had quite a swim before a gust came to get me back to the beach. Someone else from our team needs to post for us to score any points, are you going to post Michael and Bruce? Was on the Lynfield run. Oh for plenty more wind, there never seems to be enough to get fully powered up.


Nth Is
New Zealand
5351 days ago

Sorry, I did not mention my gear, the board; 440mm wide and about 50 litres volume, shaped by myself and built by Bruce Nicholson at Big World. The sail; a Neilpryde RS Racing 5.8, the fin an asymmetric one I shaped out of G10 200mm deep.... and a blading, grey fat unfit driver approaching half a century.

Chris Parkinson

Nth Is
New Zealand
5351 days ago

Way to go Craig.
(Sorry about no backup  - had to work!)


5351 days ago

Have to be happy with that speed from a self designed board, awesome Cool

dr cam

5351 days ago

Awesome numbers Loomo-big congrats !!!

Peter Johnston

5351 days ago

Great speeds Loomo - gotta love that good ole kiwi ingenuity! Surprised you didn't make your own sail!! Tongue out

Mike Sinclair

Sth Is
New Zealand
5351 days ago

Great top speed Craig and even better on homemade gear, congrats.

Can you guys organise some reliable wind so that we can come and try your speed spot....some one up there must know the right person to talk to?


Nth Is
New Zealand
5351 days ago

Thanks to Michael and Martin for posting, now we can score some points for the day. Mike, Reliable wind...not in NZ unfortunately.. more like reliable lack of wind. Very difficult to plan for the weather especially at Lynfield other known as Lamefield due to the many times we have all reigged up and no wind came. Sandy point shows to us that the spot has an enormous impact on the speeds that can be acheived, the gear and the driver are secondary.. I have found that you can spend a lot of time trying to go fast in the wrong conditions on the wrong course and just end up damaging yourself and getting depressed, going fast is easy when you have a good speed course..

Michael (icesurf)

Nth Is
New Zealand
5351 days ago

"Can you guys organise some reliable wind so that we can come and try your speed spot....some one up there must know the right person to talk"

As Craig, put it we would be better off flying to Sandy Point,

Mike, http://www.metvuw.com/forecast/forecast.php?type=rain®ion=nz&noofdays=7 does the talking, has to be really tight SW isobars with a regular pattern over 7 days.

Indication of Wind speed coming of the Tasman Sea ~ http://www.weather-display.com/windy/gb/flash/

Auckland Airport Wind Meter is the most accurate.



lao shi

5351 days ago

41 knots. Wow! Great speed Loomo and 3 PB's. Well done SpeedEnz on rocketing up the rankings.

Andrew Daff

5350 days ago

Quote" Sandy point shows to us that the spot has an enormous impact on the speeds that can be acheived, the gear and the driver are secondary.."


HEY!!! Surprised I resemble that statement!!!Laughing


Great effort though........Cool One can only wonder at how fast you could have gone with a KA assy..Wink


Nth Is
New Zealand
5348 days ago

Hi Andrew, no intention on offending anyone, just saying that you can be the best sailor with the best gear but if you are on a bumpy track with an unfavourable wind angle you are not going to go fast.. I could try Michael's KA Assy but after looking at it and fondling it a bit I suggest that it would be slower, it does nothing for me, shape wise nor dynamic flex wise but I am very happy to accept that I am wrong as I am only an amateur at foil design.  I will talk to Michael and see if he is happy for me to try it, the other problem is finding enough wind to go out and test fins, both Bruce and I have quite a few that we have built but have not had consistent enough wind or opportunities to get out and test them in the past year. I would love to get over to Sandy and spend some time on the track with you, just a mission getting the gear over there that keeps putting me off, I need to grunt up and get over travelling with gear and do it before I get too old and have to resort to kitsurfiing all of the time..

Mike Sinclair

Sth Is
New Zealand
5347 days ago

Hi Craig ,

           I'm keen to get over to SP also before I become a pensioner (and when the time comes maybe we can team up for transport, accomodation etc) but it looks like we need to organise some reliable wind even for this place.....this w/surf crew just doesn't seem to know the right person to talk to !