dr cam (16004km):
5474 days ago 2 categories   Green IS-DAY 2 of a 7 day strong wind forecast.
Ca 47 RSR 6.2 Maui ultra 24cm
Wind was 25-30 on the water but again too much easterly & very nasty chop .
200-300m from shore the swells rolling over the reef were a metre high in sections.
Challenging conditions would be an understatement ...
Hans Bekkers (1521km):
5474 days ago Tinaroo Dam, I we had some good wind between showers yesterday but I hit the water vary hard and hurt myself, felt better this morning. Freddy and my self had bit of a go today, I was on my Nano Exocet and 6.4, survived today, Hans
Sailpilot (3917km):
5474 days ago 1 categories  Oh my God, just sent this straight from KA72 website with a new link and hey presto its all done, but how did Dylan know who I was?? Technology hey. Good One KA72 
Was having a really nice sail at Viccy Point across to some sand banks, never been there before and was impressed with the steady breeze. Up near the bank I started bearing off in the flat water, getting faster and faster then, doh the sandbank moved right under me causing a rapid decrease in forward momentum and water and mud and shit everywhere, revealing a nicely shaped Z boom (how retro). Anyway I'll be back as I like this spot.
Hawk 123, koyote 7.4, freespeed 32 fin (intact)