Snides (18313km):
5381 days ago 2 categories shitsville Beach, WA, Au
missed it by that much!
manta 54,venom 30,rssmk2 5.4
wind 5 to 15 maybe 18 once or twice
not sure why i rigged a 5.4....
Slowboat (25967km):
5381 days ago Nice to get a low this early. Bit gusty and patchy but it was nice for about 10 minutes as the squall line went over. Started on one of my carbon fins. Plenty of drive for the conditions, but not trimming the board so well in the puffs (was too big). Went to the KA28SL just before the squall line came over. Felt heaps smaller than the carbon fin and was undersized unless fully gassed. Hit a big patch of seaweed on my fastest run and felt like I was hitting a wall. Conditions were there for a few more knots I think. So I sailed in and changed to the KA23. The wind was dropping after that so spent a while schlogging around underfinned. The fin was a lot more slippery than the 28 for some reason. Sail felt wicked in the gusts. Its so stable I feel like I can use it in 35kts. Melville, N54, CL32s/KA28/KA23, NP RSR EIII proto 7.0. Its great to get a taste of winter so early.
Isaac de Vries (2353km):
5380 days ago smellville
np evo II 7.0, manta 59, deb sl2 32
super control on the manta, needed more wind