JP/NP Mob Netherlands (S, Netherlands) - 2010-05-16
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Barry van Lingen
Hans Kreisel
Jacques van der Hout
Barry van Lingen (5516km):
5239 days ago

Hans Kreisel (14937km):
5239 days ago
4 categories

Not as much wind as yesterday but had fun gave the mile a try like 6times but the wind wasn't stable as yesterday so wasn't powerd up as yesterday really like my 500 meter it's only o,19km slower then my 250 wished i could have had wind all the way ;))))) the JP 45 Speed rules this combo with the 5,5 evil2 and the 24 venom is so sick didnt make enough runs today for a good average but Jacq won he was faster today but i couldn't really care mate ;)

Jacques van der Hout (14471km):
5239 days ago
5 categories

What a way to spend the weekend. Just jump in the car with your friends on friday evening and wake up in perfect/ sunny/ windy/ flat La Franqui on saturday morning. Not only having a great time on the water but also with the french people on the road, they are so friendly and let us pass because we are in a hurry;-)

Some people think we really make the long drive only for the points and the higher speeds, we know better. We are dedicated windsurfers living on this planet now and we need to make the best of it.

The second day of our trip was like all the other days we sailed in La Franqui, yesterday was special as everything came perfectly together. We knew that 80km + averages were possible here and saturday we proved it.
The first 200 meters of my record nautical were under or around 65, topspeed in the mile 81,11, average was 73,84. With this in mind i think a NM of 76km/h must be possible here.

Chris Adamson

5239 days ago

How come you guys didn't race the Defi? Are you just too dedicated to the GPSTC? I'm sure you would both have made at least the top 500 (with the PWA guys away in Korea) Wink

Nice sesh BTW (understatement of the month!)

Jacques van der Hout

5239 days ago

Hi Chris,

We are dedicated to have fun and to have a good time on the water, not just for GPSTC/ GPS3 or Defi. Would love to compete at the Defi but after 4 days of waiting for wind at the Defi 2009 i didn't register for 2010. But with these conditions at the Defi í really wanted to give it a try to finish top 500.

Chris Adamson

5239 days ago

Hi Jacques

I went to the Defi in 2008. Lugging wife, baby, and gear all the way from Perth and staying in Gruissan for ten days, I got about 40 minutes sailing on the day before the event was due to start, and that was it.

Oh well, like's like that.

The only saving grace was that the forecast was so bad, it wasn't even worth hanging around the beach all day, so we got to have a good look around the South of France, which is, of course, a beautiful place.

Would love to try it again but it's a big mission from Australia when conditions are far from certain.

Speaking of certain, can we ever expect an appearance fron you guys at our own Lancelin Ocean Classic?

Your old mate Voltmeter has won the last three so we need some more Dutchies to give him some competition.

Terry A

Sth Is
New Zealand
5239 days ago

Have a look on the Carbon Art  web site. James and Anton  are there and in the top 100.

Love to try that event myself   but much more likely to go Perth for the Lancelin race