SpeedEnz (Nth Is, New Zealand) - 2010-06-13
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Michael Harris
Chris Parkinson
Michael (icesurf)
Bruce Nicholson
John Hodgson
John Kemsley
Michael Harris (1478km):
5212 days ago
6 categories

Island Bay, WNW 10-25Kn > SW 2-20Kn

CA xr68, Whitewater 34, Simmer Fly 6.2m

Same rig as yesterday felt a lot better with max downhaul, used on de 120L board for more glide in de lulls, worked OK.

Squally conditions with wind up and down like a yoyo. Went across to Pt Chev a few times and lucky to get back when the wind died after 4pm.

Thanks Chris for hanging around at the beach untill I got back. Was worried for a while that I might be spending the night on the harbour.

Chris Parkinson (1758km):
5211 days ago
6 categories

Island Bay, Northshore Auckland NZ. 10 -25+ WNW. 5.8 RS4, 34C3,SP105.

Wild sort of day at the local. First blast was across to point Chev and got spanked in a squall shooting the gap between the ammo dump and the reefs. Plan was to go down wind to Meola but a busted batten meant a return to Island bay for repairs.

Coming back in to the beach got hooked in the foot on an old fish hook off the wharf which I managed to transfer to my finger. Taped up holes in foot and finger, fixed batten and got out for a few more runs before the SW shift came and the wind died.

Packed up and hung around waiting for Mike who had gone awol. Back home to the top of the road to to change vehicles (for one with a warrant) before taking a tour along the hills looking for Mike. Back to the beach and Mike turned up drifting in as it was getting quite dark so all was good.
Going to have to get you some nav lights Mike if you keep up this sailing into the dark! Wink

Michael Harris

Nth Is
New Zealand
5210 days ago

Hey Chris, I'll get nav lights for all my boards  when you get rod holders for all that fishing gear!


Nth Is
New Zealand
5208 days ago

Nice works guys. Bruce and I look forward to getting out sailing again when we are mended. Me after Pectoralis Major reconstruction surgery gets mended and is back up to speed (estimated 4 months minimum) and Bruce's boken forearm bones x2 with racing titanium plates has healed, not sure how long to repair but hopefully by summer. Good on you blokes keeping up the team rankings!