Team East (Engl-E, Great Britain) - 2010-08-29
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Stephen Squirrell
Steve Carter
28.39 [PB](D)
Will Trossell
Ben Tilston
Peter Cutts
Mike G
Lance Newbery
Jamie Bore
Tris Haskins
Rik Jones
Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
5134 days ago
2 categories

With nowhere fast working for me within easy driving and the wind offshore at Felixtowe Mag and I went for breakfast at Levington and ended up sailing all day finially leaving at 5.30 !!! With wind gusting to 20 mph I started with the Fanatic Falcon 90 with the x - 15 7m but it was a real struggle in the up and down winds after walking through the mud to the water :( I then tried the Isonic 135 but did'nt seem to like the 7m and the 50 cm fin was too big and I did loose it when coming ashore when it sheared off !!! So out came the  1996 F2 Xantos :# as this seems the best board to suit the choppy condtions !!! At dinner time just as I had had enough of trying to find some flat water along the far bank toward Felixstowe docks but the wind was always lightest there :# and then you had to sail back in the gusty winds into 2/3 feet of chop :(
I was about to pack up but decided to stay and sail with my mates and the conditions improved :) The wind steadied abit and the sun even came out on and off as well,then the sky darkened and it started to rain and a good squall came through and I was in the right place at the right time and had a mega run down the far bank in flatish water in the poor visibility and was just shy of 30 kts !!! but still my best speed locally :) I then had a good hour just trying to improve my alpha's and was disappointed not to break 20 kts !!!
So a good day making the most of the local conditions,oh for an easy flat water venue near and handy !!!

F2 Xantos 295 + Tushingham x 15 7m

Steve Carter (3639km):
5134 days ago
1 categories

Rigged 6m which was Ok and planed most of time, and was great when wind picked up is strong rain: so heavy that a weird mist hung about 2 foot up from water. Rigged 7m later but was no all that comfortable, not sure why; Wind suddenly swung round and dies fast catching Corin out with a long walk. Nice day 4* for when wind was u

Will Trossell (1638km):
5134 days ago
3 categories

One of the best blasting days in Poole Harbour this year. The wind finally kicked in early afternoon but as I decided to did a huge upwind session I took out the big kit - I think I've finally got the hang of tuning it, the sail needs more downhaul than I expected for top end speed. I managed to get all the way upwind from Sandbanks to Arne...felt like quite an achievement. Super-flat water at Arne and definite potential for quite high speeds on a windier day. Oddly my fastest 10 sec was in the middle of the harbour, the second at Arne. Broad reaching back 4 miles downwind in 20kts+ of wind was fantastic!

benno (257km):
5133 days ago
2 categories

first sail since tearing ligaments in foot and felt great to get the speed board rattlin again :)

kinda messed up a good session, in a nut shell the wind was due to go nuts and swing north at the same time, and i thought it came through earlie but the bar hadnt fullie exposed and i was in the wrong place so the wind was blowing straight down the course so walked back...after a brew i went to the lookout tower and had a look out and realised i nawsed up so without taking the advice of the coastwatch made the walk of doom...again! made 2 runs but arrived too late the water was 12

" in places and didnt want to push me luck, so gave up
as i was makin the walk back the wind was hittin 40kts and ripped the sail! once back the electronic wind meter in the tower hit 49kts while i was there and 50+kts was recorded! im still diggin sand out the ears!!!

this spot has serious speed potential! could of done better but im far from recovered and killed meself walking out twice i was cramping before making the runs, now with the knoledge i will defo be back

p.s excuse spelling lost a kee on the lap top!

Ben Tilston (3051km):
5133 days ago
1 categories

What an afternoon.  Dug out the FSW & 5.0 from the back of the shed to use for the first time in over a year.  Not a day for speed but that didn't matter.

Rutland / W 25-40 kts / JP FSW 93 / Blade 5.0 / 21cm Freestyle

Peter Cutts

Great Britain
5134 days ago

Good alpha's 

Stephen Squirrell

Great Britain
5134 days ago

I was practising gybing and managed to stay on the board a few times and nearly made 30 kts for the first time locally !!! and Steve beat me again with his alpha !!! I must get him to give me a few tips !!!!