Jimbob (11323km):
5047 days ago Beachport, Lake George, SA, AU from the 5 mile drift. Se 15 to 20.
F2 stoke 117, KA Koncept 5.8, 30 select weedie.
went down the coast late to have a quick blast in the surf but it was crap at the beach heaps weed and no swell so just big chop right to the beach, drove out the lake and it was flat as, didn't have my missile as wasn't expecting to use it, anyway the water has dropped a bit more so wouldn't have got going on it until my new weed fin shows up. just blasted up and down wind checking out the best weed beds for later.
sore foot was all ok today, didn't get wet today...yaaaa
PJ (9987km):
5046 days ago 1 categories Boggy Lake, SA, AU
10-03-11 Boggy 12-18 knots-7.6 Gaastra-Sonic100-36cm Curtis - session2
Starting to sail again after 5 year break using 5 year old gear:-)
Where is everyone these days?
Later Peter