Gaz (11396km):
5063 days ago CA53, Delta 23, 6.4 Koncept, Green Island.
Wind and tide worked against each other today. When the water was deep enough I struggled to even stay on the plane then when the wind picked up the tide was dangerously low. Had one attempt at the run when the wind filled in but scraped the 23 so gave up before something went wrong. The 2 sec. and 5x10's were done in the chop. Tried Cam's Slingshot 23 today, went upwind really nice but after spinning out four times in a row coming into the eastern run and not being able to recover I went back to the Delta. The Delta has less area but holds on better off the wind and is easy to recover if it does spinout. Might have to get a 25 for this board.
Tried for alphas today but wasn't close enough with the proximity. Just under a 24 at 60 metres . Got to make an effort now that Kel is ahead of me.