Voodoo (3716km):
5055 days ago 1 categories  Punat, HR
Jp slalom VI, NP Slalom 7.8 MKII, Deboichet SL2 43, Select RS7 41
Super "uzivancija" u refulasti buri na Krku, 5min glisiranja, 5min stajanja u 4cv vjetra :)
Rudi (3532km):
5055 days ago Punat, HR
Isonic 122, Rs racing 7.2 and 9 m2
Like Uroš allrady said the wind was ful of gusts. All the time up and down. dificult to decide which sail would be OK. on the and I choce 9m2 but that was mistake, overpower all the time. but thanks Matjaž for good trim.