Red (8982km):
4950 days ago Cold day at Swan Bay...
Top temperature in Geelong today of 10.2 and bloody cold in Swan Bay. Arrived to a howling Westerly with a massive tide surge which had completely covered all the sandbars and enabled some long runs. Rigged 5.8m thinking id be a bit overcooked in the gusts. Intially was ok but the wind progressively dropped through the arvo until glugging and planning in the occassional gust..
Isonic 86, KA Koncept 5.8m, lessacher chameleon 24cm
Jacques Kint (10854km):
4949 days ago Swan Bay
Got there a bit late i think, wind was backing off all the time, still not to bad got on two good wind lines and got two good NM's pretty happy with that, smaller fin and a bit more wind, and i reckon we'll pull some good NM out of here with this direction.
F2SX Small, Tushingham X 15 6.4 5.8, F O 28 weedster