Slowboat (25967km):
4911 days ago Safety Bay, WA, AU
Got down there to see Darryl cleaning blood out of his car. Not a good look. Was waiting to see him dragging a roll of carpet next. Good effort for impersonating an ambulance. Sounds like it was a nasty injury.
It was blowing hard but the storm surge and high tide were making flat water non-existant. Adam pulled out his wind meter and in the short period he had it up it was hovering around low-mid 30s with gusts over 40 at times. Damn windy for WA.
I decided to visit the $250K dunny at the boat ramp to "freshen up" and discovered it was not well designed- despite it telling you how to do your business with some aweful music in the background. Perhaps they should have spent more time on getting the basic plumbing right because I ended up shutting it down for the day with what I'd consider a normal effort. Sorry guys.
Was taking my time because there was no way it was going to be easy to do anything resembling speed. Watched Ado on his 5m and Darryl on 5.6m having a go up in the dunny bowl but there was way too much north in the wind so it was running along the short section of sandbar- dead downwind.
I used the 5.5m EIII on the nude 46 from last year and KA23 sym, since I lent darryl my asy 23. I figured it would be a bit more stable in the ocean than the 42 which is designed more for flatter water. Had one go up in the dunny bowl and it was crap. There was no flat water. So I came back in and waited. Then I saw Darry'l have a go in the short patch of flat water on the end of the point and he seemed to get a good burst of accelleration so I thought I'd better have a go. First run managed a 40.5, which I thought was encouraging... next run I hooked a good gust but timed it with some nasty washing machine current on the entry which nearly sent me into orbit, but I saw a 30m patch of flat on the other side so kept it lit and steadied out on that for a few seconds before hitting some seriously nasty chop- again sending me into orbit. Was stoked to see a 41.5 on the dial, but decided rather than smashing up all my gear to wait and hope for the tide to drop, thus making the weed patch a viable run.
The tide was inching out so I decided to make the most of it before the wind died, so started venturing out over the breaking waves on the weedbank. Here I had much adrenaline and joy. Saw some good crashes. First Adam, and then Darry'ls epic wipeout. I think that sent the water level up a bit when he hit the water.
All up I got 12 run over 40 on the dial, and even managed a 37 coming back the other way to the carpark. On some of my fastest runs I was dodging pitching and breaking waves at the end. Awesome fun.
The the wind switched off pretty suddenly. At the carpark we heard a massive explosion accompanied by a loud buzz. I turned around and there was a big pelican flopping to the ground. The local takeway joint was eyeing it off for "extra large fried chicken breast" on the daily specials board, but they wouldnt have been able to cook it because the power line had also snapped thus taking out their deep fryer.
Great fun, awesome to see so much wind again. Its been a great month for speed.