Jacques Kint (10854km):
4832 days ago Swan Bay
When we got there the wind was good went out on a 5.8 and was powered nicely and on my way to a nice 1 hour when the wind just died at about 55 min, oh well. Tooled around for about two hours waiting a dogging around after rigging a 6.4, had a few runs but it was overall average so went in and got changed and decided to watch the Moto GP. Red also finally got back and then it blow about 25 knots!! So back in to a wet wetty and back out for another hour or so pretty overpowered at times but fun.
F2 SX Small, Tushingham X15 6.4,5.8, FO 28 weed
Red (8982km):
4832 days ago 2 categories Swan Bay...
Wind was all over the place and in the end overpowered on the 6.4m, Tide was high so could basically go anywhere.
Isonic 86, KA Koncept 5.8m (dog of a sail) then 6.4m, FO weedster 28cm