Jman (10935km):
4799 days ago Elwood, VIC, AU
Finally an after work seabreeze came in for us at Elwood today, great to be on the water in the spring suite for a change.
Had some great runs with Evan trying to out run each other, as usual bondy turned up 2 hours to late muttering something about how hard teachers work.
Jp SuperSport 100, NP 7.2 H2, Select SL-7 37cm
Evan (5570km):
4799 days ago 2 categories Elwood, VIC, AU
Futura111, 7m Ezzy Freeride & C3 Venom 40cm.
Great session at the "secret spot" with Jerry and later when the wind had all but gone, Bondy. Bit light at first but picked up to a moderate strength. Had a few good runs trying to keep up with and race Jerry. Since switching to his seat harness for the big gear it seems he has gained a few knots. Something has to be done. All up, a good choice dumping work for an afternoon at the beach.