Grevelingen Chop Team (S, Netherlands) - 2011-12-07
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Jacques van der Hout
Hans Kreisel
Stefan Brouwers
Ben van der Steen
Jeroen Schuitema
Jeroen Jacobs
Marcel van Kalken
Sebastiaan de Bruijn
Menno Benningshof
André Mook
André Hoogendam
Theo Boudewijn
Jacques Pellen
Dennis Verschoor
Jacques van der Hout (14471km):
4670 days ago
4 categories

After winning the evaluated ranking on gps3 in 2009 and 2010 i really wanted to win this ranking again in 2011. Sadly for me Hans his level is rising so much that it is impossible for me to win if we always sail on the same spot. Some people noticed we are not sailing together anymore in 2011 to make it more unfair;-). Hans congratulations with this result and next time we can go out together again. Next goal is to make it as long as possible in the month top 10, sofar 23 months in a row and counting.

West Kirby was super windy and the course almost perfect...... Personally i don't like crashes and i really don't like them if i know upfront crashing (because of rolling waves) is the only option to break some records. My personal best was impossible to break in these conditions as 10 second runs where not easy to make, check the 500 for example. The only record to break for me today was the max topspeed, but than i had to make a kamikaze run and just accept to crash.....that's not my style. Respect for the top guys from UK and specially Martyn who went for it all the way which resulted in a 49 knots peak and some decent 10sec runs.

Hans Kreisel (14937km):
4670 days ago
6 categories

What a day was the first one on the water and the last one off was on a mission today and got some great wind for it today only the cold wasn't nice messes up ur grip.

Made 61 runs 57 were over 40knots 48 of thos were over 41knots and 34 over 42knots and 16 over 43knots now i'm totally burned out wind was pretty square but the strength was good and had some allmost fun all 93km conditions were exiting waves coming over the dam and spray, sun in ur face, people on the strip and a fast increasing chop past the second row of poles ;) and a nice crash once in a while.

Congrats to al the guys with pb's.

Hope i have done enough to win the evaluated ranking today with a 12 month speed average over 81,5km #44knots) been a nice battle Jacques and a succesfull year allready stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stefan Brouwers (10100km):
4670 days ago
1 categories

First time on the new 2012 jp45....I love this board! (going to be the next Record Board)

It was an afterwork session for slighty more than an hour. Had to find the right setting for the board at the beginning,....In the end i was happy to go full downwind, but then it turned dark

Should have taken the 5.5 instead of the 6.2......would have been faster, but nevertheless had fun with this combo. (and happy with the results)
