Jacques van der Hout (14471km):
4728 days ago Teusday morning i left my home for a 2 day tour to various dealers in the W, NW and NO of the Netherlands. I loaded my speedgear in the van just in case as i saw a good forecast for Vollerwiek for thursday morning. During the 2 long days i was asking myself a few times why i should go to have an other record attempt after last weeks session. It was time for a break. But wednesday evening i was already in the far NO of Holland Vollerwiek was not sofar away anymore. I hoped for a bad forecast to return home, but the forecast was to good to refuse.
Always nice to discover a new high speed spot and to meet old and new windsurf friends. The course in Vollerwiek looks like a better version than the Luderitz speed canal, a high sand wall upwind and downwind of the course very undeep which is good for the chop to disappear instead of going back on the course. And more important, because this canal is wider, it feels more safe. As this spot is more a canal than an open sea spot, slingshotting is not really possible, so you need a better wind direction to reach real high speeds. After today i'm confident 90km/h average can be broken in Europe without to much effort when we have simular conditions as today with 20 degrees more westerly windangle and less people waiting at the end of the course.
JP marketing asked me last week if i broke the 50 knots as my 2 seconds on GPS3 were 49,83. I told them the 50 knots was my max gps software and this is not shown anymore on this website. But almost within a week i really broke the 2 seconds 50 knots, not once, but twice today.
Really stoked with these results as they were totally unexpected. And maybe i broke the 10 seconds GPSSRC world record. Both gps devices shows simular figures, i posted my attempt on this website, Martin and Matthias downloaded my tracks from my datalogger (thanks), so it looks like everything must be under control.
Everybody with a personal best speeds, congratulations, and in particulair Serge with his 90 km/h topspeed and Wouter with his Formula record.