Sausage (12509km):
4754 days ago 1 categories  iS117W, 7.8 Blade, 44 Talon Lammermoor Beach, QLD, AU ESE 10 - 16kn
First time on the 117Wide. Mostly under done and under finned with the 7.8 and 44 respectively but board felt easier than the iS122(09) with more volume aft and slightly more open stance. Rear foot sits very comfortably forward of rear strap when planing in the light stuff unlike the 122. Unless someone snuck into my bedroom last night and sprayed the bottom of my feet with teflon, one negative was I think they (Cobra) forgot some of the "non" when applying the "non-slip" making gybing and pumping somewhat treacherous. Any way I just hope I don't run over any fish with it  
