Sausage (12509km):
4674 days ago 1 categories F2 Maui Proj 82l, 4.5 Aerotech Charge, curvy wave fin - Lammermoor Beach, QLD, AU Wind ESE 30 - 40kn
Humungous conditions....................haven't sailed this board for about 4 years and sail for about...........well I actually can't remember. Rolled it out and was surprised to see that it was designed by Ben Severne. Anyway to say I had a quick but enjoyable sail would be a half lie. At 94kg I still found it hard to hold a 4.5 wave sail (hankerchief) down and keep the board on the water and rain made it almost impossible to see although had forgotten just how manoeuvreable these boards are. Could weave in and out of some pretty big swells/waves but didn't have the balls to do any crazy jumps as tempting as it was (going O/S on Tuesday and didn't want to go with crutches ). Have included a screen grab of the Keppel Bay Sailing Club wind reading with a peak of 46kn at 3.20 - I got on the water at 3.10 . The 10min average just before I sailed was showing 32kn. Any way I took a photo of my gear and then a photo of the rig I should have been using.
Gear I used
Rig I should have used