WK Speed Warriors (Engl-NW, Great Britain) - 2012-05-26
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Chris Bates
Paul Burgess
Steve Thorp
Jack Bailey
Farrel O'Shea
Mark Hayford
Pete Crook
Neil Hardwick
Simon Moore
Mark Bailey
Chris Bates (1770km):
4498 days ago
6 categories

Another great sail @ Fleetwood !  

No real speeds coz it was square on but managed to get a half decent mile in. First time out on my new Simmer's which was super, could pop it straight onto plane & felt really easy to sail considering it was the first time out with them.    

Fab morning sesh with Mark B & Alastair N   !    

Next time we'll get the Gopro out & do a video

IRL250 (546km):
4498 days ago
1 categories

Great day on the water with Chris Bates and Mark Bailey at Fleetwood, thanks for sharing the trip up Mark, much appreciated mate

Can't remember the last time it was windy on a weekend as it's usually during the wind when there's decent wind and i'm working, but to have Sun and Wind at the same time was great. First time on my new 2012 7.5m Koncept becasue of the recent lack of wind which has meant my Raceboard has had loads of use. It's an awesome sail and yet again Jesper has improved an allready great sail. It's so stable in the gusts and once going just wants to keep accelerating and the cams rotate like there not there. Tried a couple of quick slingshots for a couple of seconds on gusts to see it's potential broad of the wind and i'm stoked with the surge of acceleration you get as you bear off, Just got to experiment with the downhaul settings to find the sweet spot

First time here and it's a great spot, wind direction was pretty square today making it hard to get any fast runs in and i was a bit unsure where the shallow spots were so didn't really push it but i still managed to damage my favourite 36cm fin hitting the bottom at one point but i can definitely see the potential in this place if there is ever a ESE as it will rival the Ray and West Kirby for the speeds that can be set there and will potentially be a record breaking spot. I'll definitely will be back :-))

Gear Used - Mistral Screamer 95, 2012 7.5m KA Koncept, 36cm Vector Maui Fins SL9 Alfa Fin
