Team East (Engl-E, Great Britain) - 2012-06-04
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Peter Cutts
Stephen Squirrell
Mike G
Lance Newbery
Ben Tilston
Jamie Bore
Tris Haskins
Rik Jones
Will Trossell
Steve Carter
Peter Cutts (4260km):
4489 days ago
1 categories

Great day at La Franqui but no PB's but 5th best session ever - nice people - nice sun- life is sweet

got a 39+ Max but no 40 knot run yet -- next time

Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
4473 days ago
3 categories

A late posting as I lost the afternoon session off my gps after a crash and the unit seized up :( I did get some better times including a 38.97 peak but can't win'um all !!!


We had a good night on the approach road to Ian and Pauls campsite after an evening pinching their campsite Wi-Fi :) but Mag woke at six and looked out the van window and saw the most amazing red sky sunrise so we packed everything quickly away and with Mag still in bed drove a mile up the road to the wooden jetty on La Franqui beach – sadly we had just missed the best but it was still pretty good!!! I took some pics, we did our exercises on the beach and after a leisurely breakfast we walked to the mile maker I put in the other day as no windsurfers had arrived and the wind was light!!! When Pete, Ian and Paul arrived it was the usual discussion about board/sail size and how much wind we were going to get??? Then Martin van Meurs turned up :) showing off his great range of stepped boards and fins saying that the strong wind was turning up in the afternoon. As I had already taken my longboard out twice on the La Franqui speedstrip and seemed to have reached my maximum at 32kts it was time for the shortboard and with no 6.4m (sadly died!!!) it was 5.2 or 5.8 on the speedboard. I went for the bigger sail as the wind hadn’t arrived with Pete and Ian out with 6.3 on Falcon 80’s, but the wind filled in enough to get the speedboard going but nothing too brilliant for me:( With I both on speedboards and 5.6/5.8 flying and having a real dual:) my speeds increased to 38kts as the wind filled in, Mag and Leisel even braved being sandblasted to take some pics and I even managed a up and down mile – not brilliant as the wind was very up and down and the course was very shallow in places:( After lunch in the strongest wind of the day got a 38.97kt max just after Pete improved his to over 39 kts:) – sadly I might have lost this as my gps seized up after a couple of crashes !!! I can’t even turn it off and am waiting for the battery to run down – including one crash when I was trying Paul’s weight jacket for the first time and split it!!!!!!!!! :( Sorry Paul. Then later on the wind became very up and down and too broad for me making the course very bumpy at times:( and I didn’t get the chance for another mile and the 40 kt ave is still a little way off but it was great fun trying:) So after a group shot we headed to our favourite spot to stay the night at Peyriac-de-Mer and then away from the coast and home in a week after a fantastic 90 days in France – hope to come back in Sept/Nov:)

Fanatic Falcon Speed with a Tushingham 5.8 x-15 ype=1&l=86f072157f
