Ricey (1918km):
4637 days ago Point Walter, WA, AU
First sail for three months - waiting for torn hip muscle to mend. Hopefully OK now.
Iso 122 with Turbo 7.5
Gusty NE with big holes turned W, so had a big walk back up the beach.
Good to have Windxstacy's company; thanks for the warm apple and cinnamon drink.
JJ (6448km):
4637 days ago 2 categories   Lake Preston, WA, AU
Yoyo's mission with about 8 others. A bit frustrating as the wind didn't blow as hoped and was a bit square, bearing away brought up chop pretty quickly.
Rigged too small but still had a lot of fun just reaching back and forth in some of the gusts in the smooth water.
F2 SX81, Code Red 5m, BP S Type 26.5
scarrgo (6801km):
4637 days ago 1 categories  Melville Beach, WA, AU
interesting day got down there a bit bfore lunch and it was quite light probably 7.0 weather but rigged the 6.2 in hope anyway, got out it wasn't super windy but was very gusty, i was nicely powered up in the gusts and the water was quite flat
stayed like the above for a long time untill late in the day it started to get really quite fresh and shifted a bit more north, it got alot lumpier to start with too but slowly as the tide started to go out it flattened off enough to bear away off the wind with out crazy jumps and spin outs
i started out on the 34 fin but when the wind and chop came up i went for the control of the 24 weedy
6.2 reflex, 90 mistral sl, 34 custom carbon pointer, 24 custom weedy
nice to catch up with some of the crew including ricey
Chris Porter (8173km):
4637 days ago 2 categories   Very pleased to see some wind on the Melville chart at 3:30pm. Out the door at work 2 min later and on the water at Melville by 4pm.
The wind was nice and solid, but struggled to find any runs without nasty rolling chop. Great fun all the same and good to blow out the cobwebs. Good to catch up with Anita and Sean and a few of the usual suspects.
CA SP47; F8 Ram 5.4; FO Weed 260
Windxtasy (2881km):
4636 days ago Pt Walter, Melville Beach, WA, AU Gear used - everything!
Started at Pt Walter on the big gear in a very gusty 10 - 15 NE. The chop was horrible and coming from two directions at once. Footstraps still too small for the booties so after spending lots of time in the drink I decided to call it a day. Then the wind backed off and I had to hang in the water for a long time 15 minutes? waiting for a big enough gust to waterstart. Unfortunately the wind was just having a rest whilst turning itself N, and when I did get back on the board it was very difficult get upwind in the chop requiring a long walk back to the start point. I adjusted my footstraps, and derigged. Then the wind picked up a notch. As I was still in my wetsuit ,and the wind had swung N I decided to go around to Melville.
Much flatter at Melville but very gusty but mostly light wind, those out were only planing half the time and slogging the rest, so I thought I'd call it a day. I was just about to leave when the wind started to pick up a bit, so out with the big gear again. Rigged the Futura with 40CF and the 6.4 Koncept. By the time I had finished rigging the wind had picked up further so I decided to go with the Sonic. By the time I had that set up the wind had increased further so I decided to go with the 5.8 Koncept. Rolling out that sail felt like renewing aquaintance with an old friend! I haven't used that sail in so long, and it is my favourite. I had that sail half rigged when the wind picked up another notch, so out with the 4.9. Unfortunately the only extension that fits the 400 mast was in the 6.4, so I had to derig that to use the extension. Rigged the 4.9 and was keen to get out on the water but after recent tales of gear getting blown across the carpark I thought I'd better derig my 5.7 and put it and the Futura in the car before sailing.
So, having rigged three sails and derigged two I was ready to go. Trouble was, after all that slogging and waterstarting this morning, and all that rigging and unrigging, I was nearly worn out! I only managed a few runs before I felt fatigued and that I needed to stop before a nasty accident occurred. Anyway it was certainly exciting and the rolling swell was much easier to handle than the confused chop at Pt Walter.
Arriving home and looking forward to a hot shower after being in my wet wetsuit for 5 hours, my son asks me "When would you like to have a shower, Mum?" to which I replied "In about 5 minutes after I've unpacked the car". "Too bad" he says (somewhat gleefully), "Our water main has been cut and we have no water! Ha ha ha!" It's a good thing I had my supertoasty 5/3 wetsuit on because although I'd been wet since lunchtime I was still warm. I unpacked the car and then went around to my parents house and had a shower there.
The end.