Team East (Engl-E, Great Britain) - 2012-10-09
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Stephen Squirrell
Peter Cutts
14.3 [PB](D)
65.99 [PB](D)
Mike G
Lance Newbery
Ben Tilston
Jamie Bore
Tris Haskins
Rik Jones
Will Trossell
Steve Carter
Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
4362 days ago
6 categories


Tuesday 9th October – windsurf **** - hot and sunny :) PB for zantos 32.11 :)




Good night in our lovely spot by Sigean Etang at Port Mahon despite it being a hot night!!! Woke to a fantastic sunrise with loads of flamingos :) With wind forecast today but dropping during the day we were first on the beach at La Franqui at nine :) We had breakfast and waited for Peter Cutts to arrive – overslept :( with 20/25 mph on the gauge and the sea mirror flat couldn’t wait to get on the water! I rigged 6.4 and went out on the fanatic falcon 80 but to be honest was under powered nearly all the time:( but a German sailor who had arrived was flying but he was lighter and using the same sail size as me !!! I then tried the Xantos and broke the 30 kt. barrier for the first time with a 32.11 :) – I had one great run all the way to La Franqui and was nearly taken out by a learner kitesurfer practising on the beach and nearly wipped out when I passed the moored recue boot with my fin just catching the anchor rope!!!  I then rigged my 7m and tried it on the 80 in winds that had increased but went too broad making it choppy :( but improved my max to a slow 33.24 :( and getting upwind was a nightmare in wind that was very up and down :( and I was ending up along way offshore!!! So with not much chance of good top speeds switched to the big Xantos and had an hour just enjoying the warm sunshine – sailed in a shortie too :) I couldn’t get a good hour because of the on off wind but enjoyed the swell out to sea and nearly got a 20 kt alpha. So another far from perfect day at La Franqui but can’t complain – the sunshine was fantastic :) We think we need new brake pads for the van :( so after going to the supermarket in Sigean looked for a garage – sadly we didn’t spot one – perhaps tomorrow?




It was nice to be out with Pete :) – he used all four boards he brought!!! and was getting similar speeds to me, Mag had a nice day doing her exercises on the beach, reading, dozing  and walking along the beach taking pictures of the British Saga Speed Team :)








Peter Cutts (4260km):
4360 days ago
5 categories

Another nice day sailing in La Franqui but just not enough wind for me to get any PB's - tried for a one hour again bit too hard getting up wind -miles out to sea big chop , bit  unsafe realy ,any breaks an your a gonna -good fun though -tried all 4 of my boards and not very quick ?? is it me ?? of course it is but i keep trying -Laughing 7 Mtr is not my favorite sail

matty (464km):
4358 days ago

first day of wind at weymouth speedweek , south east wind.

so almost onshore very very choppy very hard to getany speeds as such ,plus itswas grey and raining

still good to be out

ended up 26th after today

Mike G (4335km):
4338 days ago
1 categories

I couldn't seem to get the board flying today but I'm not sure why because it seemed windy.

About 3 knots of the fastest guys? Quite a good distance even though I wasn't trying for it!
