col (5162km):
4369 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU Patrick 92,6.2 RIII, Some good gusts and nice flat water over the sand bar.
Diablo (1404km):
4369 days ago 1 categories What a great day for a late sail after work. Wind was gusty as usual but there were no holes today and when the gusts came through you really felt them hit. Finally broke 32 for the 2 sec and 30 for the 5x10.
Sonic 85, Koncept 5.8, JP Speed 28cm/26 cm (26 was too small in the chop)
Melville Beach, WA, AU
brabo (2010km):
4368 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU, iSonic 94, Reflex 6.2, Canefire 32.
Off work early enough to enjoy some good wind (and chop) before the sun set.