Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Mick Kay | | | | | | |
Milsy | | | | | | |
Atomic | | | | | | |
Bill | | | | | | |
Geoff | | | | | | |
Matthew Klause | | | | | | |
Mark Hampton |
Steve Bassett |
Mark Jordan |
Trent Cooper |
Phil Luke |
Greg Cacace |
Dale Jordan |
RafD |
Maree Jordan |
Chris K |
Garry Minogue |
Wayne Hardes |
Dion Hyde |
Matt Ashby |
AJEaster |
Wally164 |
Choomp |
Gabe |
Bruce |
Chris Kelemen |
SaltyNic |
Aza |
Peter Braun |
Phil Bennett |
Paul Davies |
Hamish Stuart |
Andre Da Costa |
Martin |
Phil |
Pugs |
JustinL |
Jamie |
Wayne Bailey |
Andrew Muir |
Average | 27.60 | 25.23 | 13.52 | 19.72 | 20.30 | 44.03 |
Mick Kay (8548km):
4432 days ago Aquatic Club Toukley, NSW, AU very light but semi consistant NEr yhen totally died and putted in. Miller was outand Pete for the second half of the 1hour sesh. Used my sons 76 Hypersonic with 36 JP weedy 8.3 Koncept. That board is sweet, only 105 litres but so light and wide, just keeps going once on the plane. Fun sesh. Go Marauders!!
Milsy (17908km):
4432 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU 7m, 121l, sweet sess, a bit light, tomorrow is looking good at canton
Atomic (1310km):
4432 days ago Coomba Bay, NSW, AU
Tabou Rocket 105 and the 6.5 GTX. Good little sail accross the lake met up with Matt on the other side.
Bill (1142km):
4432 days ago Coomba Bay, NSW, AU
Geoff (501km):
4432 days ago Smiths Lake, NSW, AU
Late sail at Smiths. Gusty but good to have a sail.
Manta 79 Koncept 7.5 Vector Canefire 38
Matthew Klause (1378km):
4431 days ago Sailing Club, Wallis Lake, NSW, AU
Stopped at the sailing club and saw a couple of guys in the middle of the lake, went down to booti point and hardly a ripple on the water so went back to the sailing club. Gusty 15kt NE and met up with Bill and Anton out there. Falcon 101, 8.0 GTX, 38PB weedspeed.