Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Normski | | | | | | |
Jim Crossley | | | | | | |
Goostaff | | | | | | |
Ian Richards | | | | | | |
Swagger | | | | | | |
Jim | | | | | | |
The Matrix | | | | | | |
Camel | | | | | | |
El Reg |
Jesus |
Duncan |
Chandler |
Woody |
RedSurfBus |
Griff |
Woodbutcher |
Tris |
The Kid |
Scotty Stallman |
Cheese |
Average | 35.12 | 33.16 | 18.80 | 22.35 | 25.80 | 91.05 |
Normski (5158km):
4380 days ago First outing this year and it showed! Testing out sail settings and shox extension. Good crowd out, considering the weather!
Jim Crossley (3088km):
4380 days ago 1 categories  For me today was all about testing some fins and getting to know the perfomance. I took the chance of having 3 33cm fins and changed between them and then changed again.
I wasn't at full power on the 7.0 and on another day would have been on the 7.8 and I think this made it nice for this test. It isn't very often I get the chance for a full test like this and using different fins on different days doesn't really give a good test.
I used the select v-max33, S1 33 and S1e 33.  I was amazed how different each fin feels and really changes the trim and the characteristics of the motion of the board.
Goostaff (1204km):
4380 days ago Yes Yes Yes!!!
Got a 30.03 knot Vmax on the Formula and even better that the conditions were not ideal with only short lived gusts (Plus on an inland venue)
From the moment I got on the water with the Pryde Evo, all felt so much better than with the older rig. I was in a rush to actually get out there today, and did not get on the water until 4.30pm. Initially I sailed with too little downhaul, and although I had a couple of 29 vmax runs, an extra inch of DH gave the board super acceleration downwind. Upwind was also sweet with no chance of getting backhanded. In the biggest gusts, the board just flew downwind and with a bit of tuning and sorting the technique, a lot more is possible on this setup since there is a lot of room for improvement on the 10s Runs and also a bit of room for improving the Vmax.
Ian Richards (11408km):
4379 days ago Bit of a wobbly session, too long off the water.
Swagger (4565km):
4379 days ago Rainy,squally and quite mild as such!(apart from the hailstones)
Not bad lots of the team out not many posted?????
Jim (862km):
4379 days ago
The Matrix (10979km):
4379 days ago 1 categories  Really struggling to get the feeling from new kit as its all a bit different. Hopefully I will get there in the end.
Camel (2357km):
4379 days ago could have done better on alpha !!