Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Greg Kiskarpati | | | | | | |
Bruce Healey | | | | | | |
Byron Mcilveen | | | | | | |
James Farley | | | | | | |
Mick Saunders | | | | | | |
Big Tom | | | | | | |
Andrew Haigh | | | | | | |
Hugh | | | | | | |
GeoffS |
nick0 |
Ian Wright |
John Pearce |
Glenn Rumford |
Steve Walsh |
adamhatfield |
Ben Turner |
Murray Towndrow |
Cluffy |
Average | 37.76 | 36.09 | 15.88 | 23.84 | 32.63 | 137.25 |
Greg Kiskarpati (3002km):
4377 days ago 1 categories  Canton Beach, NSW, AU Iso 64 , CA sp 44 . Tr7/ 6.6 , Koncept 5.7
Super day at Canton , Alot of Pbs today for everyone , Alot of guys out was scarey at times . Great to catch up with everyone and
also meeting some new people, Everyone was showing big balls today , The bearaways were far from flat
Bruce Healey (2711km):
4377 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
CASL 62 & Seartrend 276, 28 & 24 fins, 6.6 sail,
Struth that breeze was strong & not very smooth water. Hate to think how fast Byron would have gone if it had been smooth.
Byron Mcilveen (8595km):
4377 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU 44CA with 6.6m Maui TR9 for 85% of sail then put up 5.5m TR8 maui as it got a bit windy . Stoked to get such a high distance and alfa on a 65l speed board. It was just to bumpy to get any top speeds I had a 38.3 knot peak and heaps around 37.5knots.
Always nice to catch up with the cantong boys and so many out always meeting new friendly people.
I now have a beer in my hand am tired.
James Farley (5299km):
4377 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
Hifly 275 x 55, Gaastra Pulse 5.7 / Mauisails TR5 5.5, Fanatic 28cm weed - Wind SSW 20-25 kts
Great day of sailing at Canton. Everything just seemed to click. Started on 5.7 then wind picked up so dropped back to 5.5 which was super stable compared to the wave sail. Water was relatively flat although apparently it can be even better. Really happy to smash my 2 sec and 5x10PBs. Had several runs over 33 then scored the 34. Funny to get that kind of speed on my old poly Hifly slalom board - it fits like an old glove, and i guess comfort = control = speed.
Great to see all the local guys + Karl and Larko from Sydney. Larko, hope the hand is OK - looked like a nasty crash.
Took lots of photos so will post them up later on. Great day!

Mick Saunders (4261km):
4377 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU
I had a scaredy-cat day. SE 25-35 knt and that is beyond my skills. I had the brakes on the whole time. In fact I spent more time
in the water than on the board. Steve and Remi on 7. m sails were outstanding to watch.
Exocet90 lt, tr7 5.5, 290 select.
Big Tom (1612km):
4377 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU
JP 145, 6.8 loft wave then 122 carve 6.8 loft wave
then changed down to 6.2 revo & got monstered SSE somewhere above 30 kts I think
Andrew Haigh (3516km):
4376 days ago 1 categories  Coal Point, NSW, AU
Quick late sail. Bump and Jump 5.0m
Hugh (1661km):
4376 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU