mikey (6316km):
6049 days ago 2 categories Burrum in the rain. Wind 12-20 kts on and off. Spent a lot of time with my ass in the water. No weight jacket. Sailed with Glynn.Him on a 7.6 so you can see it wasn't that great.
Warp slalom 58, 6.5 Stealth, 30 Meanline. GPS max-34.84kts, but lotsa red lines on track so its off to Vando- so the above may change. Had a Garmin with me also, but it kept turning off despite fresh batteries. Thanks Ray for havin the boat out n keepin an eye on us.
Late note: after conferring with Vando on a very unusual track, decided the distance had to be wrong. Used GPSRESULTS to get this distance. Another odd thing was that doplier showed 34.114kts, whereas doplier is usually lower. Strange.....